The latest news and everything about the Keratek GmbH can be found on LinkedIn. In keeping with the motto Tuesday is Newsday we weekly post the currents activities of our team.

Report on the 20 Nations Ralley 

Since the 21st of july Jonas Knapp, Lars Schlicke and their KERATEK-sponsored Mercedes S124 are back in Germany. At the end of september they invited friends, family and all sponsors to a report about their experiences. In a convivial gathering they told about offroad adventures that pushed the Mercedes to its limits, about beautiful coastal roads in Croatia, and about Pizza KERATEK-style, fresh from the car's manifold. Both were highly amazed about the rallye and due to optimal preperation they went the distance without any major issues.

We enjoyed supporting the "Uncle Benz Rallye Team" and their report a lot. To bring this great event to an end we want to share some of the best photos with you:




More photos and information on instagram:

Welcome to our new website!

The overhaul and the restart of our online presence is finally complete. Special thanks to ants grafik design from Bohmte.

Here you can find all the information regarding our services, equipment and experience.

If any questions remain to be answered or if you want to contact us for an inquiry feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help you.

First prototype of our new data logging system with bluetooth© and LAN access has been installed

In collaboration with an electronics and software developer from Berlin we developed our new data logging system. KERALOG is now available and ready to monitor the temperatures, vibrations and signals of your systems. Further information under „System Engineering“ or just contact us.

„Uncle Benz Ralley Team“ back in Bohmte

Since the beginning of 2019 we supported the „Uncle Benz Rallye Team“ from Bohmte with their participation in the annual „20 Nations“-Rallye. The Rally across Europe is not just about fun and adventure, but to collect donations fort the „Trauerland“ in Belm.  Their goal was to collect 1.000€, which they exceeded massively with a total amount of 2.520€.

Jonas and Lars and their Mercedes S124 handled the 7.500km without any major difficulties, thanks to careful planning and maintaining in advance.

More information about the ralley on

Follow the Uncle Benz Ralley Team on Instagram @uncle_benz_rallye_team

And further information about the Trauerland Belm on [despite the great support from Jonas and Lars they are always happy about donations ;) ]